Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Benefits of using banana peel for skin

Banana peel for skin, isn’t sounding weird? But it’s not. This is the most commonly found fruit in India which has so many benefits like other fruits. People usually throw the banana peel after eating but before throwing banana peel into the dustbin read this article. It will give you so many reasons to not throw banana peel into the bin.
The flesh of the banana is rich in many nutrients and carbohydrates. It is high in vitamin B6, B12, magnesium and potassium. The sugar content is the highest when its peel turns black. We livein a world where anyone wants to look beautiful and for that they use so many products but I think none of them worked. But banana peel for skin is the most effective treatment and it can give numerous health benefits.
Let us throw some light on the uses of banana peel for skin.

Remove wrinkles

The natural anti-aging properties of bananas combined with the skin friendly nutrients like vitamin A, C, B6. These vitamins protect your skin from cell damaging and premature aging.  Take fresh banana, after washing take its peel. Now cut peel in to small pieces and gently rub that on your affected area of the skin. Leave it for about 20 minutes then rinse it off with normal water.


As you know this is the worst condition that anyone can get ever. To cure this people generally use so many anti-acne products but they don’t get their satisfied results. But banana peel for skin is the perfect treatment option to cure every skin condition and acne is one of them. Since acne involves the skin inflammation and irritation, the inside part of the banana peel can sooth the irritation and reduce the inflammation very effectively.

Dry skin

Does your skin feels flaky or rough? Using banana peel for skin’s benefits can cure this problem. Banana is rich in vitamins and nutrients and that’s why it works like a wonder for your skin. A banana peel can work like a magic for your skin. After applying this you can feel your skin soft and supple.


The high potassium level in bananas helps kill warts. The potassium is believed to have a soothing effect during long periods of contact of the skin. In simple words, the potassium can remove the warts layer by layer without damaging the other area of the skin or causing scars. If you rub the banana peel on the affected side of the skin every night, you can see the effective results in just few weeks.

Anti-aging agent- 

While there are so many anti-aging products available in the market but still what banana peel can do to cure that other products can’t do. It is said that people who have sensitive skin, can use banana peel freely and get clear and spot free skin.

Remove puffy eyes and reduce dark circles

If you are tired of using so many ingredients to cure puffy eyes and dark circles, use banana peel. Banana peel has so many benefits and apart from that it can cure these problems too. To cure these problems you just have to use inside part of the banana.

Reduce oil from your skin-

This is the perfect way to get rid of oily skin. That’s why banana peel is the most helpful ingredient.  For this you can make a paste of it by adding some lemon juice in it.  With the help of spoon scoop out some pulp from the banana peel then add some lemon juice in it. The acid founds in the lemon will break down the oil and vitamin C which found in banana can prevent the future production of oil.

To use this you just have to apply the inside part of the banana on your skin. See, this is the most effective ingredient by which you can make your skin look more beautiful and clear. I hope now you will not going to run behind other products. Although it is a safest option to get clear skin but there are some points which you have to keep in your mind. Never keep fresh banana peel for so long and always use fresh banana peel. Never keep banana peels in a refrigerator. Avoid throwing banana peel in a public places, through in a bin or keep that for better purposes. Don’t you think that treating your beauty problems is very easy when you choose to utilize those banana peels instead of throwing them away?   

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